Q: Is Jonah's assistance confidential? A: Your info is always kept private. In some cases, by law, we have to report things to appropriate authorities in order to keep minors safe. We will always do our best to earn and keep your trust.
Q: If I ask for RELOCATION how will I know I will be safe? A: Our team will take you to a safe place where you can rest, eat, and meet with an advocate to help you plan next steps. We won't move you or take you anywhere YOU do not want to go. You are in charge of your own care. We are trained professionals who will only be concerned with making sure nobody hurts you.
Q: What does it cost? A: NOTHING. We help you because we believe you are WORTH IT. Not for what you can do in return. People in the city help us and we use that to help YOU. No Strings Attached.
Q: Do I have to join a program or do anything to get to a safe place? A: NO. Jonah is a ministry, and we LOVE JESUS, but we're not a program. We just wanna help you discover what YOU want YOUR LIFE to look like... and walk in FREEDOM!
Q: What if I struggle to stay clean or "out of the life" again? A: Of course we all struggle and that's why our team wants to help you. So that you have someone in your life that understands, and WON'T GIVE UP on you if you stumble or fall. It's OK to make mistakes. YOU ARE LOVED!
Below you can review our CARE PLAN for more information about how we work. IT IS IMPORTANT TO US THAT YOU HAVE TRANSPARENCY IN YOUR CHOICES !