The Jonah Project advocates for
Survivors of Human Trafficking,
At-Risk Women & Children through
Survivors of Human Trafficking,
At-Risk Women & Children through
4 out of 5
-Substance Abuse, homelessness, mental illness, and involvement in the child welfare system make up 4 out of 5 of the highest risk factors |
The amount a pimp can make off each child they enslave per year. A pimp typically exploits 4-6 children. |
The average number of times each woman or child is sold for sex EACH DAY |
2 Girls, 1 Boy
Of every three child sex trafficking victims, two are girls and one is a boy. |
30 seconds
A child in the world is sold into slavery every thirty seconds. |
Intimate partners or family members are the most likely to recruit a victim into trafficking |
1 in 7
Runaways were reportedly sex-trafficked. 74% had been in Foster Care. |
The average age of child taken into sexual slavery. |
7 Years
Average life span of a victim is reported to be 7 years (death by STD’s, malnutrition, overdose, suicide, HIV, abuse, or attack are common). |
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